Not only does the method offer a partner the opportunity of additional turnover, but at least as important is the extra service to the (end)customer of the partner. The ROI is quickly realised and creates the opportunity to work distinctively within your own market. In addition, the method perfectly matches the EU Green Deal. A beautiful contribution to a greener future!
Processes become clearer by jointly sharing knowledge. This way, the Reinasan method can be implemented more efficiently. Communication and guidance will help a partner to autonomously get the maximum return. Also, partners are able to make use of the Reinasan database.
By applying the Reinasan protection, the partner creates various additional benefits to products, objects or other types of surfaces. Some examples; objects become Easy to Clean, retain their anti-slip value, hygiene is optimised, aesthetics are retained, or the lifecycle is extended.
Please contact us for more information.
Our solutions ensure extension of the lifecycle of all products and optimised hygiene. The one ultimate protection with minimal maintenance.
Zuidhoven 3
6042 PB Roermond
The Netherlands
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