What is Botulism bacteria?
The globally prevalent bacterium called Clostridium botulinum (and the closely related C. argentinense), causes botulism. This bacterium can multiply rapidly in low-oxygen, high-protein environments and in water at 20 degrees Celsius or higher. Poisoning then takes place that mainly kills waterfowl and fish. Of the seven types of botulin, three are dangerous to humans. Toxin secreted by the bacteria, botulinum, causes symptoms such as blockage of signal transmission from nerve to muscle. Humans can fall ill from infant botulism, wound botulism or when inhaled with botulinum toxin, resulting in death. The most common route of administration is by eating spoiled food. In infants, the immature gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to contaminated honey. Hence, giving honey to babies up to 12 months is not recommended.