What is Active Immunization?
Active immunization is a process that refers to the human body becoming impervious to a particular disease. This process can occur naturally as a person goes through the disease. In that case, the immune system will make antibodies and develop memory cells. This will make the body resistant to the disease in question.
The body can also be made artificially resistant to the condition. This can be done by choosing vaccination that activates the immune system. Vaccination, in most cases, involves the injection of a weakened pathogen. In response, the body’s immune system will produce antibodies and memory cells just as it does when the person is affected by the disease in question. Thus, with artificial active immunization, this is not the case but the person is protected against the disease.
Another form of artificial active immunization is when it uses piece of hereditary material that codes for the production of the antigens (protrusions) of the virus. So in this case, no attenuated pathogen is injected. The hereditary material will produce antigens and thus “inform” the immune system what the pathogen looks like. In response, the immune system will produce cells that specifically target the antigens of that composition. This is the method (simply explained) used in vaccination against the corona virus.