What is immunity?
Immunity exists when a person is not susceptible to a particular pathogen or disease. So in practice, this means that this person cannot get the disease in question. This immunity can arise in a number of ways in which two currents can be followed. Natural immunity exists when a person has acquired the disease in question. In this case, this person’s immune system will come into contact with the antigens of the pathogen. As a result, the body produces antibodies and memory cells against the specific pathogen. In addition, there may be natural passive immunization. This can include infants who receive antibodies through breast milk.
In addition to natural flow, there is also an artificial way to acquire immunity. Again, a distinction can be made between passive- and active immunization. Passive immunization in this case is achieved by administering a vaccine. This involves injecting a weakened pathogen to trigger an immune system response. In the process, antibodies and memory cells are developed. This will provide immunity to the body if it is really exposed to the disease. Finally, passive artificial immunity occurs when a serum is administered. A serum is an antibody. This antibody will immediately render the foreign substances harmless without activating the human immune system. This is also not necessary because the body already has an (external) antibody. A serum is therefore administered in emergency situations such as a venomous bite from animals.